ISIN - International Security Identification Number, is a unique identifier for each fund. In Sweden, all registered funds start with letters SE followed by a 10 digit number.
Rtn. this y - Fund return in %, year to date.
Total fee - The total fee consists of the costs that are charged on an ongoing basis. The fee, expressed as a percentage of Asset under Management, is an estimate of future costs in the fund. The estimate is based on actual costs during the previous 12 months. If a fund has changed its fees, the estimate is valid until 12 months actual historical data is available. The most important cost in the measure is the Management Fee, but it also includes other administrative or operating costs as well as transaction costs. Any one-off costs, such as entry fee, are not included in the Total fee.
Risk. - The funds risk is a measure of potential return. For more information, please read the Fact Sheet and Information Broschure.
Morningstar Rating Total. - Morningstars Fund Rating system is a calculated risk/return measure that can be used to rank funds of similar category in the European market. The Rating is shown as a weighted average of the 3, 5 and 10 year average and expressed as a figure 1-5. The highest rank is 5 stars which is awarded to the 10% best funds in each category. A fund must have a performance history of at least three years to receive a rating. The rating is developed by the independent fund information company Morningstar.
SFDR Classification. - EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan: Through new EU action plans and legal requirements, sustainability will become a regulated area for the financial industry. In March 2018, the European Commission launched an action plan to finance sustainable growth with three main objectives: 1) shift capital flows towards sustainable investments in order to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth 2) address financial risks arising from climate change, environmental degradation and social issues 3) increase transparency and improve reporting and promote transparency and long-term sustainability in economic activities.
The Disclosure Regulation means that new requirements will be imposed on the disclosure of sustainability-related information. The purpose of the Regulation is to (1) harmonize requirements for sustainability-related information within the EU 2) increase transparency and clarity regarding sustainability-related information 3) increase the attractiveness of sustainable investments.
Article 9 - Funds investing in companies that promote environmental or social characteristics. Less reporting requirements than a fund defined as Article 9.
Article 8 - Funds that have sustainable investments as their objective. Very extensive reporting requirements.
Article 6 - Funds that do not have a sustainability profile under the regulations. Significantly lower reporting requirements than a Fund defined as Article 8.


Rtn. this y


Total fee




Fund type


Morningstar Rating Total

Missing data


Article 8

Fact Sheet (PRIIPs KID)



No development data


Asset Manager Comment
Updated: 2024-07-03

During June, the fund performed worse than its benchmark index.

Differences between the fund's performance and the benchmark index are mainly explained by the fund's sustainability criteria. Part of these criteria means that 10 percent of the fund is invested in companies with activities that can make a positive contribution to climate change. During the month, this segment performed worse than the fund's benchmark index. Negative contributions came not least from companies active in renewable energy. The largest came from solar energy company SMA Solar Technology, a German manufacturer of converters for solar energy use. The company communicated expectations of worse results than previously expected, which led to a sharp decline halfway through the month. Stock levels at distributors and installers are high and indicate weak end customer demand.

Another came from the American solar energy company First Solar, which benefited from the current administration's investment in renewable energy, but where the market now seems to be pricing for the greater probability of a Trump victory in the presidential election. This would likely lead to the abolition of at least some of the existing subsidies.

The fact that the fund does not invest in the energy sector, or in other companies with activities related to fossil fuels, had a positive impact on the fund's relative return during the month. The energy sector developed weakly despite the strong development in the price of oil.


Johan Andreasson fund manager
Managed the fund since:
Johan Andreasson
Johan Andreasson manages the Swedbank Robur Access Edge, Access funds and KPA Blandfond. He is a certified financial analyst and joined Swedbank Robur in 2005.

Experience and education
He has managed index-linked funds and portfolios since 2011. He has also previously worked as a risk manager at Swedbank Robur (2005–2011).

Johan is a certified financial analyst and has an M.Sc. in Economics from Växjö University (2001–2005).
Linnea Zanetti fund manager
Managed the fund since:
Linnea Zanetti
Linnea Zanetti manages the Swedbank Robur Access Edge, Climate Impact, Global Impact and Humanfonden. She has an M.Sc. Economics and Business and joined Swedbank Robur in 2011.

Experience and education
She has previously managed Swedbank Robur Access (2015-2022).
She has also worked with shareholding disclosure at Swedbank Robur (2011–2013). Previously she worked at equities operations (2009–2011) and as an account manager (2008–2009) at SEB. 

Linnea has an M.Sc. in Business & Economics from Uppsala University (2003–2008).
Quant team
The quant team manages the Access, Access Edge and KPA Blandfond, index-linked funds, with exposure to various regions and markets, as well as the Transfer generation funds, and the pension funds: Aktiefond Pension and Mixfond Pension. The team also manages the funds Climate Impact and Global Impact. The fund managers work closely together to discuss investments and exchange ideas. They also work closely with Swedbank Robur’s sustainability and compliance team to ensure that the companies that the funds invest in meet our sustainability requirements. The team consists of eight portfolio managers who all have extensive experience in quant- and index-based asset management. 
Index-linked funds
Our index-linked funds adopt an investment strategy based on creating a portfolio with a high ESG profile while, as far as possible, its characteristics mirror its benchmark index. The funds apply a quantitative asset management approach that entails the use of mathematical models for analysis and selection of equities. The advantage of quantitative asset management is that it enables fund managers to apply a systematic approach to processing vast quantities of data. Sustainability is incorporated in the selection process, for example, through models that prioritise companies whose operations, in various ways, benefit the transition to renewable energy.

Fundfacts & Fees



Sustainability measures
SFDR Classification
Article 8
4 / 9
Exclusion level
Extended level
ESG rating

Sustainable Finance Disclosures


This financial product promotes environmental or social characteristics, but does not have a sustainable investment objective. However, the fund will have a minimum share of sustainable investments.

The fund analyses how the sustainable investments affect such things as emissions, water and biodiversity on an ongoing basis. The fund also ensures that the holdings do not seriously and systematically infringe on accepted international standards and conventions relating to sustainability as adopted by the UN, ILO and OECD or are otherwise involved in unacceptable operations relating to sustainability or corporate governance.

External suppliers will provide Swedbank Robur with an analysis of which companies can be associated with violations of international norms. Based on information from our suppliers and other available information, Swedbank Robur will make its own assessment on whether it is a question of a serious and systematic violation. If such a violation is deemed to occur, the company's securities are not a sustainable investment.

The fund promotes low emissions of carbon dioxide, business strategies that include the UN Global Goals (SDGs), green share and Swedbank Robur Quant Score.

Sustainability and climate work constitute an integrated part of the investment strategy in order to manage sustainability and climate risks and to promote environmental and social characteristics. The fund is obligated to follow the Management Company’s "Policy for Responsible Investments" (adopted by the Board) and uses three overarching methods ("include", "exclude" and "engage") in order to achieve the environmental and social characteristics promoted by the fund. The fund follows the Management Company’s "Principles for Shareholder Engagement" (adopted by the Board). As an active owner, the aim of Swedbank Robur is that the companies we invest in are managed in an efficient and long-term sustainable manner.

There are plans for at least 70% of the fund's assets to consist of investments aligned with environmental or social characteristics, of which at least 13% will be sustainable investments.

The Management Company’s risk function monitors and checks that the environmental or social characteristics that the fund promotes are complied with. The risk function also performs a quarterly follow-up and analysis of the metrics the Management Company has selected to measure how the fund’s investments promote environmental or social characteristics.

In order to measure the attainment of the environmental and social characteristics that the fund promotes, the sustainability indicators weighted average carbon dioxide intensity, SDG aligned revenues, green share and Swedbank Robur Quant Score are used. 

Swedbank Robur uses several sources in its process to measure how funds promote environmental and social characteristics. Swedbank Robur purchases data from major data providers that have demonstrated a robust method for guaranteeing the quality of data. In order to guarantee the quality of the data purchased, the supplier's data and product range are reviewed. When there is an opportunity, test data is taken from several providers offering the same product in order to compare as large a selection as possible. 

There are a number of limitations with the models and data being currently used. The main limitation is the number of asset allocations for which metric calculation methods exist. The coverage is generally good for the funds, where a mix between reported and estimated data is used. Furthermore, Swedbank Robur believes that the method used by the data provider for estimating data is reliable.

The Management Company has due diligence procedures in place in order to ensure that sustainability risks and the sustainability requirements established for the fund are taken into consideration in the investment decision. Sustainability analysis is an integrated part of the fund management’s investment process. In order to manage sustainability risks and integrate the risks in investment decisions, the fund management follows the procedures that the Management Company describes in the Management Company’s "Strategy to include" and "Strategy to exclude". The Management Company’s risk function performs a daily inspection to determine whether the fund’s holdings fulfil its sustainability requirements and regulations regarding exclusion.

The fund follows the Management Company's "Principles for Shareholder Engagement" (adopted by the Board). In the event of sustainability-related controversies in invested companies, Swedbank Robur has special procedures and processes to monitor and follow up with the company. Both dialogue work and voting are key tools to try to prevent and respond to sustainability-related controversies.

For more information regarding principal adverse impacts, please see our PAI Statement here.